Braun Film honors Marines and Civilians alike on Acquisition Excellence Day

For 9 years running, Braun Film is proud to have produced the Acquisition Excellence Day Video for the United States Marine Corp Systems Command division.  The annually produced video, premieres at the Systems Command national conference that spotlights the work being accomplished within this specialty division of the Corps.

Marine Corps Systems Command video production project

A unique concept within the Marines, Systems Command combines Marines and private industry specialists to create, design and field new products for our Marines in theater.  Products include everything from better clothing materials, lighter weight radios and weaponry, to more efficient ammunition, safer vehicles, better medical equipment, new durable field products and more.  The video is used as a tool to educate the public, promote their work to other Marines, and is shown to industry, the military and congressional audiences.

By | May 20th, 2012|News, Uncategorized|0 Comments